i dont know why this was at a 3.16 i gave you a 5 for the effort and absolutely love when that guitar kicks in! it is hard doing everything by yourself as ive said but you got the right idea. all you need now is vocals :)
i dont know why this was at a 3.16 i gave you a 5 for the effort and absolutely love when that guitar kicks in! it is hard doing everything by yourself as ive said but you got the right idea. all you need now is vocals :)
yeah it was just meant to be an idea. thanks for the + response... im working this into a full song and it should be done soon with vocals
Cool :P
you are amazinggg keep it up :)
thanks bro, i appreciate it! i like your music aswell! although i personally enjoy my metal a bit lighter :p
great stuff man!
i have to admit im not a star wars fan but i liked this song on it anywayss but this
1 welll this got stuck in my head because it stands out so well :P goood stuff buddy :)
Well, this song was asking to be metalized.
your a genius! this is cool! id love for you too add stuff like that to some of my stuff. im a big fan of classical and metal and if they mix properly it can be an amazing mix. But good job! 5/5 10/10
lol thanks, i'm gonna send a PM and see if you're interested in me and gravey doing some work to one of your songs. :]
id have to say this is one of my favs!!! i love classical and love the dark feeling this one gives youuu
yeah classic and metal are much closer then the most people think, you like atmosphere don't you?
so far out of all the music you put out ive had to give you a 5/5 your very good some of this stuff is very unique, good job keep bringing in the music
thanks, your music has too it's own face
i like the begining part it sounds almost classical and then you throw down the overdrive!! :D nicee!
thanks for enjoying, yeah I wanted to hit the listener into the face after the soft intro :D
thats a realllly goood song man i hope you get top spot somedayy with it
I hope I will too! Thanks for the review!
you really know what your doing mann!!! GOD JOB!! you got all 5/5 and 10/10
hey thanks man.
this is fuckin sweet! why the fuck are you sitting at a 2.84???? i gave you a 5/5 because its killer
Why? This.. is... NEWGROUNDS!!!!1
Age 35, Male
Canada -snow mans land
Joined on 7/28/09